Buffalo, NY
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Professional House Painting for Buffalo, NY

Buffalo is the second-largest city in the state of New York. It is the county seat of Erie County, NY, and is located at the eastern end of Lake Erie. It is known as the “City of Good Neighbors” and “City of Light” because of how the residents help each other in times of need and the city was the first city to have streetlights in America. There are over 275,000 people who live within the city limits.

Interior Painting Services

The interior paint of our homes is what helps set the mood of each room and is a creative expression of the occupants. We all have our individual preferences for colors for each room and that is great. It helps make a house a home. However, painting a room takes a lot of time and effort. You must buy all the supplies, prep the room, and then paint multiple coats. It is tough work. Our interior painters can handle all this for you, providing beautiful results.

Exterior House Painting Services


Over time, the sun, wind, rain, and snow that Buffalo gets a lot of will cause your home’s exterior paint to fade. It will make your house look old and worn out. Refreshing your home’s curb appeal with some new paint goes a long way. Exterior painting is much more difficult than painting interior rooms though. The heights you must reach are greater, you must deal with the wind, and there are more safety risks. Our painters have the best equipment and techniques to paint any exterior of a home. They can handle the job and keep you out of harm’s way while you enjoy spending your time how you want to. The attention to detail and results of our painting contractors will speak for themselves.

Contact Our Local Painting Contractors Today!

JRB Painting Unlimited is a residential painting company serving the Buffalo, NY community. Our painters provide both interior and exterior painting services. We pride ourselves in providing beautiful and lasting results that our clients will love. Contact us today for a free estimate on any of our painting services!
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